Archive for December 2010

Recipe for Success: Help Me to Cook

December 7, 2010

Let’s put our culinary skills to the test. We are creating a new recipe for the dish known as success. Now, I am aware that there is every temptation of cooking it below three minutes yet hoping for it to be delicious nonetheless.

It tastes really good!!!
(Photo of my daughter, Min, having her first lesson in cooking).

Well, that is not going to happen with success unless we agree to having a meal of instant noodles. Then again, instant noodles as a dish can hardly be called success because it won’t be all that appetizing (or rather fulfilling).

According to a rumor that appears to originate from one of the Le Cordon Bleu schools, success is a dish that has already been cooked to perfection by various renowned chefs. It seems that there can be different ingredients and ways of cooking. Consequently, the results can be as varied and flavorful; producing unique palate experiences. Don’t laugh but here is the secret that I found out from inside sources of award-winning culinary chefs: the ones that win rave reviews are those that strangely create in their consumers, the miraculous effect of balancing their chakras and sending them on an instantaneous flight to heaven, with just a single bite.

Indeed, the pinnacle of success is the glorious moment when mind, body and spirit connects. It is the moment of awakening to the fullness of life. Thereafter as the food melts in our mouth, we experience tingling waves of pleasurable sensations throughout our entire body. Now, if you have watched the animated show Ratatouille, it is the exact moment where the notoriously hard-to-please food critic “The Grim Eater” takes his first bite into a home cooked dish made by Remy, the aspiring chef (which happens to be a rat). In the same manner, the dish success leaves a tantalizing but lingering memory in our taste buds even way after our having digested the gastronomical delight. Success becomes a lasting legacy, a tribute to the chef who put every heart and soul to its creation.

Ingredients For Success

Shopping for Ingredients

To cook an excellent meal, the best quality ingredients are obviously needed. We cannot afford to go cheap, quick or convenient. Best if we can get the ingredients direct from source. We don’t want use ingredients that are toxic or hormone-injected, by any chance. Neither do we want to buy them from manufacturers or producers who are not of pure intent. We also want our ingredients to come from sustainable farming.

Success is conventionally cooked with the ingredients of goal setting, detailed mission planning, motivation and so on. I am going to lay out what I think is my interpretation of the dish success. The ingredients are:

A slice of dream.
A dash of inspiration.
A can of courage.
One therapeutic remedy of long-lasting fragrant wine called love.
Two strengths of commitment.
Two squirts of creative juice.
Three pinches of playfulness.
Homemade Secret Sauce*.

Instructions For Recipe for Success

Chopping Ingredients It will not be easy for most to make a leap to success without first experimenting. If you are new to cooking, you may not get it right the first time. I recall feeling extremely anxious during my first cooking class. So, don’t let anxiety hold you back, by recalling the jingle “if yan can cook, so can you!” The trick really is to cultivate a sense of adventure, play and experimentation.

Ready to get cracking? Here is my Recipe for Success:

1. Remove the frozen packet marked “dreams” on its plastic cover from the freezer.
2. Defrost overnight.
3. Choose the most succulent slice of dream and place it in a big mixing bowl.
4. Sift away as many black seeds found on the slice of dream as you possibly can. These are seeds of fear.
5. Pour in the therapeutic wine remedy called love.
6. Mix the contents in the bowl thoroughly.
7.Add a dash of inspiration.
8. Whisk in Homemade Secret Sauce*.
9. Heap spoonfuls from the can of courage. The number of spoonfuls should correspond with the amount that you need.
10. Transfer the contents from the mixing bowl into a pan.
11. Place pan over steady fire.
12. After 5 meditative moments, add two squirts of creative juice.
13. Bring the pan to a boil before lowering the heat for a simmer.
14. After 10 energy minutes, add three pinches of playfulness.
15. Stir in the two strengths of commitment and continue to simmer until you’ve got a nice aromatic blend.

Serve in a plate lined with decorative fresh edible flowers.

Homemade Secret Sauce to Success*

Secret Sauce If you have cooked before, you would know that following a recipe may not necessarily produce the same taste eventually. Not even if it is a recipe by famous celebrity chef such as Jamie Oliver. I dare say it is likely to be the same with cooking “success”. Because of this, I believe that while it helps to follow a standard recipe, you will have to eventually make it your way.

So here I am; still working on my secret sauce and perfecting my recipe, burning up hours in experimentation. I am just short of a few magic potions that will make it unique.

I wouldn’t mind having some help, though :-) If you know of an ingredient or a step that I am missing, feel free to share. Who knows? Your contribution may be just what is needed in a whole new way of cooking success.

See you in the kitchen of life!

P.S. If you have enjoyed my above post or benefited from any of my articles, do share my website link with your friends: Abundance Tapestry. Thank you!!!


View the original article here

How To Start A Gratitude Journal

December 7, 2010

A gratitude journal is very similar to a diary. However, the difference is that you mainly have positive things to write in a gratitude journal.

Gratitude Journal
(List your favorite things in your gratitude journal)

While you can rant and rave in your diary, a gratitude journal is meant to uplift you. It connects you with good feeling thoughts. The aim of keeping a gratitude journal is to write down the things that make you happy and that for which you are grateful for.

What Note Pad To Get

A gratitude journal need not be one in fancy paper. You can get one at a very low cost. Note books that cost less than ten dollars are available at many outlets.

Of course, you can choose a notepad with a pretty cover if you wish to. After all, you would like it to conjure beautiful thoughts. What is more important is not how the cover looks like but the content that you fill the notepad with. Most certainly, you would want to get one that has many pages which can last for a long time.

Of course, if you are one of those who prefer to type, you can also choose to use an ipad or your laptop. My ipad contains a few pages of gratitude affirmations, from thanking my family to the home I have and the things I am already enjoying each and every day. There are also iphone applications that makes it convenient for you to express your gratitude, even though what is needed is really a notepad.

Your Entries in A Gratitude Journal

Even when you are feeling down, it is important that you write something positive. Doing so compels you to see the positive side of things. Writing from a more enlightened perspective helps you get out of your slump. It happens when you are write about the lessons that you have managed to learn from your negative experiences. A later review allows you to know that you will be able to create a better response should a similar event arise in the future. Hence, maintaining a gratitude journal is having low-cost therapy which you can easily self administer.

Should you have habitual negative thinking, then consider the use of a gratitude journal. It can prove to be a lifesaver. Your gratitude journal is an affirmation on a daily basis that you can also have positive experiences. Your focus is now on the bright rather than the dim sparks. You would realize that not everything about your life suck. Making your entries cause you to note what you can be grateful for and offer you hope for a new day.

While most people write gratitude journals at the end of a day, you can do so at any time of the day. A list of at least five items is ideal but really there is no restriction to the number of things you can write. These entries can be about anything positive that has happened during the day; such as, getting praise at work, your children telling you that they love you or receiving unsolicited assistance while you were carrying grocery to your car. It can also be about the joyful things that you did in the day as well. These include helping a handicapped person across the street, running an errand for your colleague, or baking a cake for your neighbor.

How To Record A Gratitude Journal

Writing a gratitude journal can be done in any way that you want to. You can write an essay, use bulleted list, do it in point form, or even write poetry. Don’t just think in words. Think pictures. Make drawings or use photos.

Gratitude Journal 2
(Gratitude: It’s the little things we share that add up to one Big Love!)

Alternatively, like me, you can also use scrapbooking as your way of saying thanks to the universe. Glue your handiwork onto your journal or have a separate gratitude journal for your more creative ideas. The idea is to have lots of fun while you are doing your gratitude journal.

All in all, make it a point to start a gratitude journal. If you have guessed by now, you would realize that I have gratitude journals in all forms. It’s how I keep myself uplifted :-)

Express Your Gratitude

What might you list as things that you are grateful for in the last 11 months? Share your list in the comments box below!


View the original article here